
Hiring Days at Intellias: Fast Offers Culture

April 28, 2022

April 10, a beautiful Saturday morning. Serhiy, an AUTOSAR engineer, starts his day with a cup of coffee, unaware that in the evening he’ll have a job offer from Intellias and $2000 as a welcome bonus. Today, Serhiy helps other developers to enjoy the same days.

Serhiy joined our team during a hiring day. Now he’s one of the technical interviewers. Hiring day is a one-day event, where candidates can take a look at the Intellias best projects and get an offer on the same day. During the pandemic, we organized online hiring days – two or three times per month, on Saturdays. Intellias was one of the first IT companies in Ukraine to conduct hiring days. Now it’s time for us to tell you more about hiring days and why we love them.

Julius Caesar and his multitasking got nothing on our hiring days

“It all starts at 10 a.m. Candidates, managers, and recruiters join a welcome video call. We talk our candidates through the projects and tell them what to expect from today”, says Artem, recruitment specialist at Intellias, “Then everyone joins separate tech interview streams. Sometimes I feel like Julius Caesar. According to the legend, he could talk, write, and give orders simultaneously. Recruiters kind of do the same since they have up to 4 interviews at a time. Technical interviewers and managers also join the talk”.

In the reality, everything starts long before 10 a.m. “We organize hiring days according to our staffing plan. We check out, which projects are expanding and what kind of specialists they need. Intellias is known for its automotive expertise, and we organize a lot of automotive hiring days, inviting C++ and Embedded developers. eLearning and FinTech segments with Java and .NET stacks are also important. And then, of course, we have JS and DevOps”, says Olena, talent marketing specialist.

Candidates, projects, and opportunities

One of the main objectives for Volodymyr, delivery manager at Intellias, is to put a sparkle in the candidates’ eyes from the very beginning.

“I started helping out with hiring days in 2019. Back then, we used to go to Kharkiv and talk to candidates offline. Today, having hiring days online, a solid presentation of a project is a must. A welcome call is another opportunity to answer candidates’ questions. So it’s not until the technical interview that I find out more details about candidates, including the date when they are ready to join, their salary expectations, etc. As a manager, I can save much time on hiring days and find several top-notch specialists”.

Recruiters help to find the right ones for the project too. Before hiring days, they have phone interviews with candidates and pass their feedback to the managers or technical interviewers. “I ask the candidates, why do they want to become a part of the Intellias team. Then I check their English level and evaluate their soft skills”, says Artem, “The technical interview provides us with even more information about candidates. There I can ask them to imagine a certain situation and tell me how are they going to act. We also ask whether specialists have experience of working with Scrum and Agile”.

Still, the main point of a technical interview is to estimate candidates’ hard skills.

“On average, a technical interview lasts for an hour. Typically, I have 2 or 3 tech interviews during one hiring day. I start with theoretical questions and then move on to practice. We ask candidates to look at the code, find mistakes, suggest improvements, and explain their solutions. Sometimes specialists solve technical tasks”, says Serhiy, senior AUTOSAR engineer. 

Before moving on to the final stage, let’s talk about another important part of our hiring days. 

Offers, gifts, welcome bonuses – a collab of the year

“If candidates accept a job offer till the end of the hiring day, we present them with welcome bonuses. It’s important for us to make sure that each hiring day is unique”, says Olena. An ideal project asks for an ideal present. Candidates can choose between a welcome bonus and a gift. Together with the team, we research developers’ interests and hobbies, coming up with creative ideas for the presents.

Hiring days also give us a chance to promote eco mobile culture, which is an important part of the Intellias corporate culture. We frequently choose electric scooters, electric bikes, and monowheels as presents. Laptops and monitors are also on the list. And, of course, we offer trips to the seaside, mountains, or even volcanoes.

What makes Intellias hiring days great?

“Electronics was a huge part of my childhood. My father was an engineer. We used to spend our evenings making chips, while my father told me how they work. He helped me to find my path in education and life”, says Dmytro, an Embedded engineer who joined our team on a hiring day.

“I graduated from the National Technical University “Dniprovska polytechnic”. After that, I worked in an engineering bureau. There I created documentation for the engine manufacturing and selected materials. Then I designed control circuits for electrical equipment in the steel plants. I also assembled onboard networks for helicopters and designed consumer electronics. But all this time I felt that I wanted more.

I don’t remember the moment when I heard about Embedded engineering. But I remember realizing straight away that it was exactly what I wanted to do. I work at the intersection of different disciplines – software programming, electronics, physics, – and that’s what I like the most about my job. I also enjoy the fact that embedded systems exist in the physical world and make our everyday lives better. 

One day, I received an email from Intellias, inviting me to join the Embedded Hiring Day. At that time, I was thinking about finding another project and considered shifting to the automotive industry. So, it was a match. Before that email, I’d never even heard of such a way of hiring someone.

I was nervous before the event because I knew that automotive embedded and bare-metal embedded are not the same things. So I did some theoretical reading and went for it. The easiest part was to introduce myself; the hardest part was to fall asleep the night before. When I received a job offer, I realized that dreams come true. I was offered to take a 3D printer as a bonus, so I had no doubts when I signed the offer. It was yet another coincidence. Earlier this year I was looking at different models of 3D printers, trying to find the best one. Everything worked out at the Intellias Hiring Day.

Hiring day: the end and the new beginning 

In case the candidate doesn’t meet our technical requirements, we send them an email with explanations and tell them that their story with Intellias doesn’t end here. “Sometimes candidates ask for detailed feedback and our technical interviewers happily provide it. We had cases when specialists improved their hard skills based on our feedback and applied again”, says Artem. And we are not surprised to hear that, since Intellias is engineering by people and it’s worth giving another try. 

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