Packing for Vacation: Tech Specialists Edition

August 16, 2024

Summer is in full swing, so it’s high time to go on a vacation — or at least change your desk for a more dazzling workplace (go on a workation, as they call it). But before hitting the road, you need to overcome a daunting task: packing your things (that is, not overpacking). Here are some vacation essentials based on your tech role.  

Software Developer  

Destination: A secluded cabin in the mountains with a good Wi-Fi connection 

Bring not one but two laptops to reach optimal levels of comfort: one for your pet project and one for watching YouTube videos in the background. You might need to take a projector as well in case the sudden inspiration for a movie night strikes. To stay caffeinated and focused, carry a portable espresso machine — mountain air alone won’t be enough to keep your brain buzzing. And don’t forget to pack your collection of rubber ducks, for no other reason than for pure joy.   

UI/UX Designer 

Destination: A picturesque coastal town with plenty of cafés and art galleries  

Make sure to pack a disposable camera, as it will help to catch those spontaneous and imperfectly perfect shots. Take a photo of mosaics, as it will be great as a color reference later. And take a picture of that wall (what a texture!) and that graffiti on the tram (now that is reference material!). You know what, just take pictures of everything you see, and don’t forget to upgrade your cloud storage plan.  

Data Analyst 

Destination: A tech-savvy city like Tokyo with lots of data-driven attractions  

First things first: pack some puzzles to keep your analytical mind busy. Sunglasses are essential to protect your eyes from the dazzling lights. You need to keep them sharp for staring at some good stuff (data, not neon signs, thank you very much). Speaking of signs, you won’t need GPS — take a map with you. Enjoy the challenge of navigating manually and the feeling of superiority that the puzzled looks of passersby will grant you.  

Cybersecurity Specialist  

Destination: A historical city rich in engrossing stories and legends  

Fill your suitcase with spy novels and thrillers for both entertainment and professional insight. As an extra precaution, pack a portable Faraday cage for your devices so no unwanted signals get through. Binoculars are another must-have, perfect for inspecting old-school guarding methods. Oh, look, they used trenches and crocodiles? Lovely, but they should have tried two-factor authentication instead.  

Project Manager  

Destination: A relaxing beach resort with clear waters and minimal distractions 

To keep your fingers agile for future email marathons and assigning Jira tasks, bring a ukulele. And since you always keep your phone close, grab a waterproof bag to lounge by the pool. A set of juggling balls will round out your packing list — a perfect tool for practicing your multitasking skills. And remember: you are here to relax. Don’t check that notification. Okay, don’t check it until your cocktail is ready. Okay, check it now, but real quick.   

Quality Assurance Engineer  

Destination: A vibrant city known for its entertainment, like Las Vegas 

Feel free to bring along those 5000 teddy bears you ordered while checking if the cart on the website was working properly. A detective hat is a must-have accessory for inspecting your hotel and its surroundings. At breakfast, try to guess what the hotel guests will take from the buffet (an omelet — too easy). And, of course, a stopwatch to time how long the reception takes to answer your call.  

Regardless of your travel gear, we hope you enjoy your vacation and come back with a ton of fun stories to tell and recharged batteries to take on new tech projects. Speaking of which, if you’re looking for your next project, visit the Intellias career website to find vacancies.   

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