Artificial Assistant: Using AI to Work Better 

How AI optimizes workflows and boosts productivity
Serhii Seletskyi
August 7, 2024

According to a Gartner study, AI-based chatbots can improve a company’s work by 15-40%. Digital assistants optimize business processes, reduce the time required to complete tasks, and generally increase job efficiency. Serhii Seletskyi, Senior Solution Architect at Intellias, explains how the IT company created its own assistant, the advantages of using it, and how it affects internal corporate processes. 

Today, almost all large corporations use artificial intelligence-based assistants in their internal processes. These assistants include the well-known ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, Google Duet, and others. However, perhaps Microsoft 365 Copilot is the most noteworthy. This assistant is fully integrated with other Microsoft products and can perform many tasks, such as: generating Excel tables and P&L, creating corporate-style presentations, and finding data on SharePoint. It is a handy but expensive tool. With a base price of $30 per user, it would cost a large corporation with thousands of employees a million dollars to use. 

High costs are why companies consider developing their own AI solutions. At Intellias, we began to think about it when we realized that our corporate knowledge base had turned into a cumbersome archive that was inconvenient to search for information. That is how we came up with IntelliAssistant — a bot that can find everything you need. We wrote the code using ChatGPT, then tested and launched it in January 2024. We quickly noticed its impact on the team’s work and realized that it could be helpful to other companies.

What IntelliAssistant is and its benefits

Built on Azure OpenAI Studio and other technologies, IntelliAssistant easily replaces ChatGPT and integrates with other corporate systems. One of its main advantages is the price.

While Microsoft 365 Copilot can cost large companies a million dollars, the development and support of the IntelliAssistant infrastructure costs only a few thousand.

Also, unlike ChatGPT, our bot does not transmit information outside the company — this is extremely important when working with confidential data.

Another advantage of an office AI assistant is adaptability. We can develop and implement any additional features unavailable in Microsoft 365 Copilot for company-specific needs. For example, new clients often have project references when they contact us. We adapted IntelliAssistant so that it can process a client’s reference, look through our entire project database, and find the one that best matches that reference. This way, we can show the client a similar project we implemented earlier. The bot can also calculate the approximate cost and timing of such a project based on previous data. In other words, the customized bot performs the functions of a sales assistant and significantly facilitates the work of the sales team. The key takeaway here is that any company can use IntelliAssistant as a platform or accelerator to generate and launch various AI tools for specific business tasks.

What else can IntelliAssistant do?

Another field where IntelliAssistant is actively used is working with people. IntelliAssistant can offer useful educational courses to professionals, help them set career goals and plan career development. For example, previously, career development requests made up 70% of all requests that HR specialists worked with. It took my colleagues about 25 minutes to process each request manually. Instead, the bot answers in 30 seconds, meaning the speed has increased by 50 times. 

The digital assistant also helps our specialists quickly find information in the corporate knowledge base. Intellias has a vast database, and finding the necessary section is not always easy. An AI assistant takes over this job. After a simple request, it can find the instructions for requesting a vacation, starting work with a mentor, etc.

In the future, IntelliAssistant will not only search the database for information but also perform simple tasks.

For example, it will be able to find instructions on how to request a vacation and independently book it for a person on the necessary dates. Or, if a colleague’s laptop breaks down, the bot will find what should be done in this case in the database and create a corresponding request for the technical support team.

More than an assistant 

We created IntelliAssistant as a simple and affordable AI assistant. It has a clear interface and answers people’s questions, and was built to enhance work processes. Furthermore, IntelliAssistant is a platform that allows you to find and generate new AI assistants. 

For example, the bot integrates with SkillDB and Fuel50 projects. This integration allows you to search for people with the right skills and qualifications. How does it work? Before the introduction of IntelliAssistant, we had a database containing about 400 relevant skills possessed by our specialists. Once, a client requested that we find MAOI engineers for them. It is a rare specialty, and we could not find a suitable specialist in our database. IntelliAssistant collected a database of 7,000 skills and 140,000 employee references when we launched it. It analyzed various sources — resumes, LinkedIn, GitHub, etc. — and created a detailed profile of each employee. With such a base, we found twenty engineers with expertise in MAOI technology.

Before, the data was just stored somewhere without bringing any benefit. It would take years to process it by hand. However, the AI assistant processed about a quarter of a million documents and created the most extensive enterprise skill base we’ve ever had. Such technology is very helpful in an industry where talent and knowledge matter most.

Another AI assistant that we can access through IntelliAssistant is IntelliRadar. The latter helps us analyze various trend studies that McKinsey, Deloitte, and Gartner have published. This way, we can see where the technology market is going and what we as a company can offer. It also allows us to choose areas of study effectively. If we see a trend for a specific technology but do not have any specialists in this field, training them from scratch will be pretty expensive and time-consuming. But IntelliRadar can spot technological trends that partially match our existing skill base, so we can launch training programs and prepare our specialists to work with technologies about to become popular on the market.

What’s next?

We can already see that AI technologies such as IntelliAssistant are helpful and convenient in speeding up company processes. IntelliAssistant is easy to adapt and customize to your needs. It can help you write code, make sales, take care of the team, and find answers to questions that arise every day. It is also an accelerator for generating and launching AI tools that other companies can use to boost productivity and optimize workflows. In the future, with improved and expanded functionality, daily tasks with AI will be an integral part of comfortable and efficient processes within corporations. 

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