Olá, new opportunities!

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Relocate to Portugal with Intellias

The flexible work style at Intellias is more than just working from home. You can move to Portugal and explore superb career opportunities while enjoying one of the best countries to live in. Relocate smoothly and get ready for growth and new experiences.

Why Portugal 

Ideal IT environment

Portugal is rapidly emerging as a European tech hub with many significant industry events, offering an excellent environment in which IT professionals can thrive and innovate. 

Quality of life

Enjoy high-quality healthcare and infrastructure, a low cost of living, a robust economy, and a friendly local culture that make everyday life both comfortable and fulfilling.


Portugal is home to a big, welcoming community of expats, ensuring a seamless transition and plenty of opportunities for networking and socializing.

Surfing & sightseeing

Portugal’s stunning landscapes and coastline are perfect for exploring, balancing your work and life, and keeping yourself refreshed and ready for new challenges.

How it works


Relocation is available for specialists from Brazil, India, and the European Union. 

Apply for a vacancy
that allows for relocation 
Receive an offer 
Sign a relocation
Obtain a visa
(if needed) 
Relocate to Portugal 
Settle in and complete

Our relocation package includes

One-way ticket
We book and cover your flight to Portugal (one economy-class ticket and one piece of luggage).
3-week accommodation
To help you settle down, we book and cover a 21-day stay at a hotel or local accommodation such as an Airbnb.
Applying for NIF
We handle the application for your Portuguese taxpayer identification number — Número de Identificação Fiscal.
One-way ticket
We book and cover your flight to Portugal (one economy-class ticket and one piece of luggage).
3-week accommodation
To help you settle down, we book and cover a 21-day stay at a hotel or local accommodation such as an Airbnb.
Applying for NIF
We handle the application for your Portuguese taxpayer identification number — Número de Identificação Fiscal.

What type of visa you will get


We take care of your visa-related processes and paperwork. 

D1 visa  
Residence Visa for the exercise of subordinate professional activity. 

For this type of visa, we ensure you receive an invitation letter and a job offer for a minimum of one year, with a monthly salary that respects the national minimum wage in Portugal.
D3 visa
Residence visa for highly qualified activities, the exercise of which requires specialized technical skills, of an exceptional nature or an appropriate qualification for the respective exercise.

For this type of visa, we ensure you receive an invitation letter and a job offer for a minimum of one year with a monthly salary of at least €1,600.

Our office

Work with comfort from our offices in Porto. We design an entire ecosystem to make sure that every team member feels welcomed and at ease. 

Bessa Leite, Porto
An airy home to tech-savvy minds in the heart of Porto

Industries in focus

Financial Services & Insurance
Travel & Hospitality
Telecom & Media
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Relocation stories

Learn more about us and find your perfect reason to relocate 

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